середа, 6 жовтня 2021 р.

For the 11th form

Writing: como se hace una cover letter ✏️ Estrcutura y ejemplos

Formal letters

  • Start the letter with Dear and the person’s title or family name. Use Mr for men, Mrs for married women and Miss for single women.
  • If we don’t know the name of the person we are writing to, we start the letter Dear Sir or Madam.
  • In the first paragraph we usually say why we are writing.
  • In the next paragraph we write the important information.
  • To ask for something we can set phrases such as Could you please…, or I would be grateful if you could…
  • If we want a reply, we can write I look forward to hearing from you. After the final paragraph.
  • Do not use colloquial language or short forms.
  • We finish the letter with Yours sincerely if we used the person’s name at the start, or Yours faithfully if we didn’t. We write our full name.
Use formal language
To complain:
  • I am writing in order to complain about…
  • I was unsatisfied with…
  • In the first place…
  • I suggest that you…
  • My main criticism is…
  • I am afraid to say…
To request and give information:
  • I am writing to inquire…
  • I would like to know…
  • Do you think you could tell me…
  • The first thing I would like to inform you of is…
To suggest:
  • I am writing to suggest…
  • I would like to suggest…
  • A further possibility is…
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to apply for the holiday job in your restaurant, which I saw advertised in the Evening News last week.
I am seventeen years old, a student at Newton’s College, and have lots of experience working in restaurants and cafes. Last summer I worked as a waiter in Mario’s Café and recently I have been working at the Bay Loaf in High Street. I am hard-working, honest and have good customer service skills.
I would be grateful if you could send me some more details about the job and I would be happy to discuss my application with you. I am enclosing my CV.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Tina White
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to you about a recent visit I made to your Museum on 9th July. I was particularly interested to come to the Museum as I am studying science in school and I know you have some special exhibitions.
The “recycling plastics” exhibition was very interesting because it showed what happens to plastic after we throw it away and how it is turned into other products.
However, I was very disappointed with the show on travelling in space. It contained very little information and was boring because it had too many technical details in it and not enough on what it is like to travel in space.
Furthermore, I found the restaurant very expensive. I think you should have cheaper café or a small shop selling snacks.
I hope you will consider my points seriously and improve the Museum for the visitors.
Yours faithfully,
Daniel Brown
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to enquire about the holiday apartments on Costa Bravo advertised in Beach Holidays magazine this month.
In your advertisement you mention that all the apartments are self catering. Would you mind telling me what cooking facilities are available in the kitchen? Could you also tell me if cooking utensils are provided?
I noticed from your advertisement that the beach is very near. However, I would also like to know if the apartments have a swimming pool as we will be travelling with small children.
I would be very grateful if you could send me a list of apartments and prices with a view to making a reservation in August.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Catherine Archer
Dear Editor,
I am writing to protest about the proposal for a new airport. : people have been against the idea from the start. Nevertheless, the government is planning to go ahead with the building next year.
First, the government says that the airport will bring us industw jobs. However, in my opinion, it will ruin the character of Tamforl historic, country town. Although the airport would bring tourists I am not sure they would want to stay in a dirty, industrial town.
Despite what the government says, it is clear that the airport will  also affect our health. Problems will increase in spite of the new hospital the government has promised us. Air pollution will get and this will affect people, for example, asthma sufferers. Noise pollution will also have an effect on the houses and schools near airport.
I think other residents should write to the government about this issue. This Saturday I will be outside the Town Hall to collect signatures for a petition. I think we should do everything we can stop this airport.
I look forward to reading more letters about this issue in your newspaper.
Yours faithfully,
Steve Morgan
Картинки по запросу "карантин у школі це не закінчення"
Hope you are well 
          and have much spare time!             
Don't waste your precious time and use it properly, I mean,  
for learning English.

Доброго дня, шановні одинадцятикласники!
Пропоную під час карантину самостійно попрацювати з наступними завданнями. 

Навчальний процес не можна переривати, адже це відображається на якості навчання
Good afternoon, my Dear friends
Welcome to our English lesson!
I'm very happy to chat with you during my lessons. How are you? 
I hope that everyone is healthy. 
I want you great immunity, cheerful mood and productive job. 
I wish success and creativity in your work! 
You are the best!

Friday, the twentieth of March
My Future Profession

In the video - lesson you can learn how to talk about your job in English. Where do you work? What do you have to do in your job? What kind of company do you work for? In this video, you can learn how to answer the questions when talking about your job in English.
1. Introducing Your Job.
2. Describing Your Company.
3. How to Describe Your Job in More Detail.
4. Saying How You Feel about Your Job.
5. How to Make a Longer Answer.
This lesson will help you:
- Learn how to describe your job position in English.
- Talk about the department you work in.
- Learn how to say where you work.
- Describe your job in more detail by talking about the company you work for.
- Talk about your job in more detail.
- Explain your job responsibilities and what you do at work.
- Learn useful English phrases to say what you like or don't like about your job.
- Put more details into your answer so you can make a longer answer about your job in English. 
- Prepare an interview where you have to talk about your job in English.
2. Fill in the gaps with the correct words from the list.
Advertisements, apply for, CV candidate, current , qualifications, fill in, job centre, job interview, personal details, employment , work experience.
Before looking for a job, make sure you have an up-to-date 1 ________.
It should be easy to read and include your 2 ________, your educational 3 ________ and your previous 4 ________.
Visit your local 5 ________ to see what’s available.
Check out newspapers, journals and websites for suitable job 6 ________.
When you find a job you want to 7 ________, write a letter or email explaining why you are interested in the job and why you think you are a good 8 ________.
If you are in 9 ________, you could also mention why you want to leave your 10 ________ job.
You should enclose a copy of your CV and you may need to 11 ________ an application form.
If all goes well, you’ll receive a reply inviting you to go for a 12 ________.
3. Write a letter.
You are looking for an opportunity to study English in some of the European countries. In the newspaper you found the contact details of the language college in Malta, yet no details about the courses taught were given in the advertisement.
Write a letter to the college asking about:
• the English courses available for international students
• organization of the classes and exams, tuition fees and discounts
• accommodation and leisure opportunities.
You do not need to write any dates or addresses.
1. Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each of (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
The Power of Silence
Silence as a mode of communication is very difficult to practice and to comprehend as well. Being silent can be very tough. Sometimes silence is more powerful than (1) ______. Long periods of silence give you a certain energy which is lost if you talk uselessly.
Silence is loudest in rocky relationships. Two conflicting people can portray their love through silence. Certain situations can be won by silence. We don’t always (2) _____ our feelings. Silence screams innocence. One can efficiently deal with volatile situations by being silent. When couples are silent, responses to each other become logical, and (3) ____.
According to Buddha, silence is portrayed as calmness. In relationships silence is a beautiful language. It is respect, submission and compliance. When the noise gets too much one needs to communicate through silence. Silent power works and (4) ____. If you are silent the energy increases around you.
If a teenager has a tiff with her boyfriend, after all the accusations it is advisable (5) _____ and after sometime you would realize that the situation has improved a lot. Staying still, calm and silent when there is storm around you gives you inner strength. Silence can be considered as a device which may (6) _____. 
When used correctly silence communicates trust. When used in love it shows we care. All it takes is the strength of silence to resolve a complicated situation.

A millions of words put together
B to become silent in such situations
C become calm and reserved
D the problem gets solved easily
E allow you to digest emotions
F becomes your unspoken credential
G need words to communicate
H to heal the turbulence of emotions

2. Read the text below. For each of the empty space (1–12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
I Ride Because That's Who I Am
There are lots of good, sound reasons for (1) ___a bike as a means of practical transportation. However, St. Louis cyclist Brian Marston gave a presentation at work about bike commuting, and in the process discovered the real reason he rides his bike.
Everyone already knows riding a bike is cheaper and (2)___ for your health and better for the environment and fun. Those points are completely obvious to anyone who thinks about it for ten seconds. Trying to convince people to ride by dressing up what they already know with some numbers about fuel saved and emissions (3) ___ and all that isn’t all that compelling, if they’re not already inclined (4)___ anyway.
I started riding because I didn’t want to pay for a parking pass. Then I (5)___ through the other arguments (health, environment, fun) as a way (6)___ the choice to myself. Then I tried to use those arguments to justify bike commuting to other people.
But, if you’re riding to save money, it doesn’t really save enough money to make it worthwhile. I’m planning to sell my car, but it’s kind of a wash since I also (7) ___ about buying a $2,000 bike and I (8) __  lots of other bike gear in the past year.
And yeah, I burn off calories by riding, but actually, I’m trying to gain weight rather than (9) __ it, so the biking actually works against me. And even if I (10) ___ to lose weight, at some point you hit a plateau and risk (11) __ (lose) interest in biking if that’s the reason you’re doing it.
For me, it's just a part of who I am. I can’t imagine not (12) ___ (do) it. And it’s nice not to feel like I have to explain it to anybody.

1 A. riding B. ride C. to ride D. ridden
2 A. best B. good C. better D. well
3 A. reduce B. reducing C. were reduced D. reduced
4 A. ride B. to ride C. riding D. being ridden
5 A. has moved B. was moved C. moved D. had moved
6 A. to justify B. justify C. justification D. justified
7 A. am thinking B. think C. thought D. was thought
8 A. had bought B. buy C. have bought D. bought
9 A. have lost B. lose C. lost D. losing
10 A. to try B. have been tried C. will try D. were trying
11 A. lose B. losing C. lost D. to be lost
12 A. to be done B. having done C. doing D. do

3. Writing.

1. You have been chosen to take part in a student exchange programme in the U.S. The regional manager of the programme asked you to go to an introductory meeting at the local office of the American Councils. You cannot go, because you have an important test at school on that day.
Write an e-mail to Alicia Young, who is organizing the meeting:
• apologizing for not being able to go to the meeting
• explaining why you cannot go
• asking for further instructions and relevant information.
You do not need to write any dates or addresses.

3. You have just returned from your holiday abroad and have found out that you have forgotten some of your belongings in the hotel. 
Write a letter to the hotel management and
  • tell them when you stayed in this hotel
  • what was your room number
  • describe the things you left in the room
  • instruct what you want them to do.
You do not need to write any dates or addresses.
Увага! Увага! Увага!

Пройди безкоштовно тест на знання англійської мови
Рівень А1-А2

Хто може брати участь? Всі бажаючі перевірити свій рівень знання англійської. Вітається проходження тесту школярами, студентами та всіма, хто хоче перевірити свій рівень знань. Вікових обмежень немає.
Реєстрація обов’язкова : 

Дати проведення: 27 січня та 3 лютого

Час: з 14:00 до 16:30


Письмова частина - 60 хвилин
Аудіювання – 20 хвилин

По закінченню тестування будуть підведені підсумки 

та видано сертифікат.

Місце проведення. 
Мовна школа GREEN APPLE, вул. Кузнечна,8 
тел.066 810 99 03

Реєстрація обов’язкова : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ck1XUWLul2CqxHnfAKdBocsOEcEWe6TSbufhdoT17Ag/edit?ts=5a5de601

Проходження тесту БЕЗКОШТОВНЕ.

Для учасників буде проведений розіграш 10% знижки 

на навчання в 
Мовна школа Green Apple
Now you are the eleventh-formers. It means that this is your last school-year. You will pass your school-leaving examinations and have to decide how to use the knowledge you have received at school. The end of school is the beginning of your independent life, the beginning of a far more serious examination connected with your further study and labour activity. To pass that examination you must choose the road in life which will open before you. You must choose the occupation in which you can best develop your talents and work with the best results for you personally.
  A wide road lies open before you. And you must think very hard and ask an advice of your parents, your teachers and your friends to be sure that you have chosen the right occupation in which you will be able to satisfy your own tastes and the needs of your country.
Похожее изображение
Conditional Sentences
Choose А, В, С or D to fill in the blanks 
in the sentences below.
1 If you ______ the beginning of the film, you would have enjoyed it better.
A didn’t miss
В weren’t missing
C hadn’t missed
D hadn’t been missing

2 If you didn’t believe rumours you _______ much happier.
A were
В would be
C will be
D would have been

3 I _______ my mind if you had told me about everything honestly.
A won’t change
В won’t have changed
C wouldn’t change
D wouldn’t have changed

4 If the expedition ______ with everything necessary, it would have failed.
A didn’t provide
В wasn’t provided
C hadn’t been provided
D wouldn’t be provided

5 My brother wouldn’t have joined the army if he ________ the university.
A entered
В were entering
C had entered
D had been entering

6  You wouldn’t have crashed the car if you _________ the rules.
A followed
В was following
C had followed
D would have followed

7 If I were as clever as Francis I _________ a millionaire already.
A will be
В were
C would be
     D would have been
Картинки по запросу gerund

Похожее изображение
Open the brackets
1.     She is interested in (to collect) stamps.
2.    I like (to read) books.
3.    She began ( to prepare) food.
4.    He likes (to іnvite) friends tо his plаce
5.    He enjoys (to talk) tо yоu.
6.    They insist оn paying immediаtely.
7.     I enjoy (to have) a lot of friends.
8.    They went on (to talk).
9.    He gave up (to smoke) a few years ago.
10.  (To swim) in the lake is forbidden.
11.  His hobby is (to drive) a car.

12. Thank you for (to come).
Картинки по запросу good luck
Похожее изображение
Conditional Sentences

Choose the right variant.
1. If I _______ a million pounds, 1______it to the charity organization.
a) won, would give              c) had won, would give
b) won, would have given    d) had won, would have given
2. Would you mind if I______your pen?
a) use                                c) have used
b) had used                        d) am using
3 . They looked at me as I______crazy.
a) were                              c) had been
b) was                               d) am
4. If I______that you were busy, I______interrupted you.
a) knew, wouldn't have
b) had known, wouldn't have
c) know, wouldn't have
d) has known, wouldn't have
5.1 have just had a quarrel with my parents. What would you do if you______me?
a) are                                 c) were
b) had been                        d) would be
6. If it is sunny and warm tomorrow, we_______go to the beach.
a) can                                c) would
b) could                             d) will
7.1 wish I______so rude to her yesterday.
a) wasn't                            c) hasn't been
b) weren't                          d) hadn't been
8. She sounded as if she______tired
a) was                                c) is
b) were                              d) had been
9. He talked to me as if nothing______happened.
a) has                              c) didn't
b) -                                 d) had
10.1 wish I______to work.
a) hadn't have                   c) didn't have
b) don't have                    d) hadn't had
11. If you______provoked the dog, it______attacked you.
a) hadn't, wouldn't have     c) hadn't, wouldn't
b) didn't, wouldn't            d) didn't, won't
12. If it had been warmer, we______swimming.
a) might go                       c) could have gone
b) could go                       d) might have gone
13.  I am going to look for another job, unless the company ______me more money.
a) offers                           c) didn't offer
b) doesn't offer                 d) offered
14. You______achieve anything unless you______hard.
a) wouldn't, tried               c) wouldn't, try
b) won't, try                     d) won't, tried
15. Going to restaurants every day is convenient______you______a lot of money.
a) providing, have              c) providing, had
b) as long as, has               d) as long as, had
16.  If he______looking where he was going, he______walked into the wall.
a) has been, wouldn't have c) had been, wouldn't had
b) were, wouldn't have       d) had been, wouldn't have
17. I am feeling good. If I______tired, I would have gone home.
a) had been                       c) were
b) has been                       d) am
18. I wasn't tired last night. If I______tired, I would have gone home.
a) has been                       c) had been
b) were                            d) am
19.I wish you______with me at the sea.
a) had been                      c) has been
b) were                             d) would be
20.I wish she______me last night.
a) called                           c) has called

b) calls                             d) had called
Похожее изображение
Choose the right variant.
1. Water______at 100 degrees.
a) boils                              с) will boil
b) is boiling                       d) will have been boiling
2. The weather   _____    hotter and hotter.
a) gets                               c) is getting
b) has been getting             d) get
3. The first modern Olympics______in Athens more than a
hundred years ago.
a) were taking place            c) have taken
b) took                              d) had taken
4. We______20 new buildings this year.
a) built                              c) had built
b) were building                 d) have built
5.1_____always_____if the service is bad in restaurants.
a)  complain                   c) will be complaining
b) am complaining             d) will complain
6.  I______to the news on television at nine o'clock last
a) was listening                  c) have been listening
b) listened                         d) had been listening
7. After they_____they cleared the table.
a) ate                                c) have eaten
b) had eaten                      d) were eating
8.I _____for a whole hour!
a) am waiting                     c) have been waiting
b) was waiting                    d) had been waiting
9  I _____John's mobile phone because I left mine at
a) use                                c) used
b) was using                       d) have been using
10. This juice______good.
a) is tasting                        c) has been tasting
b) tastes                            d) is being tasted
11. Long ago they______most houses out of wood.
a) built                              c) were building
b) have built                       d) had built
12. We still______life on other planets.
a) didn't discover               c) won't discover
b) hadn't discovered           d) haven't discovered
13.1______when my friend______.
a) slept, called
b) was sleeping, was calling
c) was sleeping, called
d) slept, was calling
14. Those potatoes______for an hour.
a) have been boiling            c) are boiling
b) were boiling                   d) had been boiling
15. You______always______money!
a) —, borrow                     c) will borrow
b) has been borrowing        d) are borrowing
16. They_____for four hours before they_____the top
of the mountain.
a) climbed, reached
b) had been climbing, reached
c) was climbing, reached
d) climbed, has been reaching
17.1 think it______a difficult game.
a) is going to be                  c) have been
b) will be                           d) had been
18.1______ to you ever again.
a) don't speak                    c) hasn't spoken
b) am not going to speak     d) will have been spoken
19.1______him tomorrow, he is expecting my call.
a) phone                            c) am going to phone
b) am phoning                   d) will have phoned
20. The boat______the island on Friday.
a) is leaving                       c) is going to leave
b)leave                              d)leaves

Похожее изображение
Hope you are well 
          and have much spare time!             
Don't waste your precious time and use it properly, I mean,  
for learning English.
Check your skills
1. Read the sentences and write out the phrasal verbs.
  1. Do you want to  write down  my phone number?
  2. My mobile phone isn’t working – I need to charge it up.
  3. When I came back from holiday I called him at once.
  4. John usually sleeps long but yesterday he woke up very early.
  5. Passengers can buy tickets when they get on the bus.
  6. I’d like to go on with my work while you speak on the phone.
  7. Lilly is saving up for a new party dress.
  8. You should turn over  the page to see the picture of the writer.

2. Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions.
1. start  up                                 a) to put information into a computer  using a keyboard
2. log  on                   b) to do the actions that you have to do when you finish using a computer System
3. log  off                                    c) to make a paper copy of something on a computer
4. shut  down                            d) to turn on the computer  to start its working
5. key (smth) in                        e) to turn off the computer
6. print  out                           f) to do the things that will allow you to start using a computer system, for example by typing in your password

3. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from exercise 2. Put them into the correct forms.
1. He ________and checked his email.
2. __________your password to join the platform.
3. The  machine ___________ automatically after a certain period of time.
4. I waited while she ___________ her computer and checked her  email.
5. Let me _____________ some documents _________ while you drink your coffee.
6. Make  sure that you __________ correctly. Don’t just switch the machine off.

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